Giant Otters

Giant Otters

The highlight of our trip to Ecuador this year was seeing a family of Giant Otters. We were fortunate enough to see them on 3 separate occasions and at one point floated in our canoe about 10 yards from them as they played and fed (all behind foliage however). I did manage to capture some […]

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The Sloth

The Sloth

There are six species of sloth in the world and all of them live in Central or South America. Sloth have to be one of the more unusual rainforest creatures due to their slow movement and habits. Sloth spend 99% of their lives in the trees and only come to the ground about once a […]

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Howler Monkeys

Howler Monkeys

It was 4:00 AM and pitch dark outside when the low guttural scream started. I jerked awake thinking it must have been a dream. But, then the noise happened again only louder this time. It echoed through the trees and into my ears. It was like no sound I had heard before. There it was […]

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