Trump administration sabotages major conservation effort, defying Congress

Trump administration sabotages major conservation effort, defying Congress

Scientists and officials around the US have told the Guardian that the Trump administration has withdrawn funding for a large, successful conservation program – in direct contradiction of instructions from Congress. Unique in scale and ambition, the program comprises 22 research centers that tackle big-picture issues affecting huge swaths of the US, such as climate […]

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Hawaiian honeycreeper birds at risk of extinction from avian malaria

Hawaiian honeycreeper birds at risk of extinction from avian malaria

In the rugged mountain forests of Kaua’i, colorful birds called honeycreepers are dying out. Usually protected by the cooler temperatures found at higher altitudes, the birds are now victims of malaria-carrying mosquitoes that have crept upward as temperatures rise. Honeycreeper populations declined an average of 68 percent in the core of their preferred range on […]

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