Chinese special economic zones hotspots for wildlife trafficking, surveys say

Chinese special economic zones hotspots for wildlife trafficking, surveys say

SINGAPORE — Special economic zones set up to promote trade between China and its Southeast Asian neighbors are facilitating a black-market trade in wildlife products, according to watchdog group TRAFFIC. Tens of thousands of prohibited wildlife parts and products are being sold across open and unregulated markets in five Southeast Asian countries, with a significant […]

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Coronavirus outrage: How traders peddle ‘tiger bone, bear bile and rhino horn’ as cure

Coronavirus outrage: How traders peddle ‘tiger bone, bear bile and rhino horn’ as cure

The coronavirus pandemic has infected more than 2.4 million people worldwide since the first cases were announced in early December. Medical experts across the globe are working tirelessly to develop a vaccine that can halt COVID-19 in its tracks. But in China and other southeast Asian countries there have been reports of countless crooks trying to capitalise on the deadly […]

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Hotspots of exploitation: where are species under greatest threat?

Hotspots of exploitation: where are species under greatest threat?

By now, almost everyone knows that many rhinoceros species around the world are threatened with extinction because of commercial overexploitation for their horns, which are sold on the black market. Likewise, all pangolin species have been pushed to the brink of extinction, particularly by hunting for their meat and scales. Unsustainable exploitation is the greatest […]

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