Understanding the Behavior and Social Structure of Wild Mustangs

Understanding the Behavior and Social Structure of Wild Mustangs

When picturing the Wild West, images of cowboys, swirling lassos, and thundering wild mustangs likely come to your mind. These magnificent creatures still run across North American landscapes today. Descended from horses brought by early European settlers, over 60,000 free-roaming mustangs now live in the western territories made iconic by their ancestors. Their name originates […]

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Essential Horse Care Tips for Beginner Equestrians

Essential Horse Care Tips for Beginner Equestrians

Welcoming a majestic horse as your new friend awakens timeless bonds, reminding people to nurture compassion while marveling at their towing grace and spirited ways. But beyond the allure of their storied manes dancing upon the wind and the promise of adventures across grassy trails together ahead awaits significant caretaker commitment. Before galloping joyfully ahead […]

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