The Orange tip butterfly

The Orange tip butterfly

Anthocharis cardamines –

Males differ from females by the orange-tip on the fore-wings, hence their vernacular name. Their host plant is the Cuckoo flower, but adult butterflies feed on other crucifer flowers. It is I think one of the prettiest pieridae!

Le plus joli des piéridés à mon avis! Si les ailes antérieures se distinguent par la couleurs orangée chez le mâle, en revanche le verso de l’aile postérieure marbré est identiques chez les 2 sexes. Ses plantes hôtes, nourriture des chenilles, sont des plantes crucifères comme Alliaria, Moutarde sauvage et Arabis mais la Cardamine reste la principale. L’imago se nourrit du nectar de différentes autres fleurs dont les stellaires comme ici:

Verso de la femelle/Female

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Anthocharis cardamines

Anthocharis cardamines

Lorsque le soleil se cache, ils se perchent en attendant son retour; Verso d’un mâle avec son aile postérieure marbrée:

When the sun disappears, they tend to perch and wait for its returns. A male’s marbled verso:

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Anthocharis cardamines

Anthocharis cardamines

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Anthocharis cardamines

Recto of 2 different males :

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Anthocharis cardamines

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Anthocharis cardamines

Noushka Wildlife


Passionate about Nature and photography but mostly animals and birds. I live in France at the present, but have lived in Africa for 16 years and in the U.S. for 3 years and with Australia in mind for the future. With my husband, I created and managed a Bird Park in South Africa, raising mainly psittacines; the breeding facility housed over 1000 parrots at any given time. My photography is about sharing fauna's beauty with other enthusiasts! Equipment: NIKON lenses: 400 mm Z F4/5, 800 mm Z, 500 mm, 200/500 mm, 800 mm f5/6E

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Noushka Wildlife

Noushka Wildlife

Passionate about Wildlife, Photography and Wildlife issues. I live in the south of France at the present, but have lived in Africa for 16 years, in the U.S. for 3 years. With my husband, I created and managed a BIRD PARK in South Africa, raising mainly psittacines; the breeding facility housed over 1000 parrots at any given time. I speak French and English alike and manage decently in Spanish. My photography is about sharing fauna's beauty with other enthusiasts! Equipment: ALL NIKON Cameras: D500, D750 Tele lenses: 300 mm, 500 mm, 800 mm f5/6E, Zoom lenses: 16/80 mm, 80/400 mm, 200/500 mm and: Macro 150 Sigma. * * * My work can be seen HERE: * * * NOT ON FACEBOOK

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