How Education Travel Enhances Student Perspectives

How Education Travel Enhances Student Perspectives

Educational travel offers a dynamic and immersive learning environment that extends far beyond the traditional classroom setting. By exploring new places, students encounter diverse cultures, languages, and historical insights, significantly enriching their academic and personal growth. This experiential form of learning helps students apply their classroom knowledge in real-world contexts, enhancing their understanding and retention […]

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Suicide by snake: Animal smuggler kills himself by getting one of his cobras to bite him as he is arrested in South Africa

Suicide by snake: Animal smuggler kills himself by getting one of his cobras to bite him as he is arrested in South Africa

A security guard committed suicide by snake by goading his own deadly serpents into delivering fatal bites after he was arrested by police in South Africa. Marius Joubert, 28, died in agony after his illegally-smuggled Indochinese Spitting Cobra and a second snake pumped lethal venom into his hand and wrist after he stuck his hand […]

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Certified timber harvesting of tropical forests proves beneficial for gorillas and elephants

Certified timber harvesting of tropical forests proves beneficial for gorillas and elephants

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)-certified timber harvesting areas in Gabon and Congo boast a greater abundance of larger mammals, such as leopards, gorillas, and elephants, than non-FSC forests. Utrecht University researcher Joeri Zwerts and colleagues conclude this based on 1.3 million camera trap images gathered in fourteen commercially exploited forests. The researchers’ analysis reveals the effectiveness […]

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