Extreme closeup photo showing feather details of a male Costa’s Hummingbird. At my home in the southern area of Baja, Mexico we havee two species of Hummingbirds. The Costa’s Hummingbird (Calypte costae) and the endemic Xantus’ Hummingbird (Hylocharis xantus). The Costa’s male has a brillant blue/purple cap and gorget. The male Xantus has a bright […]
Author: John Spencer

Anna’s Hummingbird – Claypte anna
The Anna’s is one of the four different Hummingbird Species found along the Pacific coast of North America. Two species: the Anna’s Hummingbird, and the Costa’s Hummingbird are the only two in the genus Calye. This genus is the “helmeted” hummingbirds, so named because their crown and gorget (chin feathers) form an iridescent ‘helmet’. In […]

Northern Rough-wing Swallow from Baja Mexico
If you live between southern Canada and Panama you have probably seen this species of swallow. A slim plain brown colored bird flying low, catching insects on the wing. He is one of about 10 swallow species in the family Hirundinidae This species – Northern Rough-winged Swallow – Steldigopteryx serripennnis – is so named for […]

Another Unusual Baja Bird – The Pyrrhuloxia
This long crested gray cardinal is found in the Southwest and Mexico. It has no ‘common’ name but the root of the name is from PYRO signifying the red color. The Pyrrhuloxia – Cardinalis sinuaius – is a medium size bird, 71/2 to 8 1/2 inches. Overall gray color with red accents. On the mature […]

Feeding male American Kestral
I photographed a male American Kestrel -Falco sparverius – as he fed this morning. He used a large Cordon Cactus as his look-out post and sallied forth to catch large insects on the ground. He would return to his look-out post to eat. During one of his flights I set my camera on ‘high speed […]

Hummingbirds of Baja
In the southern tip of Baja we have only two common types of hummingbirds. Rarely we will find an Anna’s, or Black-chin, here but they are rare. Our two native hummingbirds are the Xantus – Hylocharis xantusii – and the Costa’s – Calypte costae. The Xantus is endemic to southern Baja and is often a […]

Summer Orioles in Baja Mexico
This Scott’s Oriole (male) is in molt. Notice that his normally long tail is missing. The lack of a tail did not seem to hinder his flight. Scott’s Orioles are found in the southwestern state and into Mexico. They are common in our area of southern Baja. This shows the difference between the mature male […]