Azamidani, Mount Unzen

Azamidani, Mount Unzen

This morning I tried Azamidani to see if any migrants were passing through. Seems a bit early still, as the Grey-bellied Bullfinch and Red-flanked Bluetail were still there, however all the wintering thrushes had gone. It seems likely that migrant warblers should be passing through any day now. Among the Grey-bellied Bullfinch was one male […]

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Domesticated bees do not replace declining wild insects as agricultural pollinators

Domesticated bees do not replace declining wild insects as agricultural pollinators

Sprinkled with pollen, buzzing bees fly from one blossom to another, collecting sweet nectar from brilliantly colored flowers. Bees tend to symbolize the pollination process, but there are many wild insects that carry out the same function. Unfortunately, wild insect populations are in decline, and, according to a recent study, adding more honey bees may […]

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The White Hawk

The White Hawk

Another nice morning spent on Mull’s moors as the high pressure continued for the rest of the week. A pair of Hen Harriers were quartering the rough grass tracking each others every move like they were attached with a piece of string. Both birds broke out into their high pitched squeaky display call and the […]

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