Next? I’m wondering how many magnificent creatures the scum bag has already killed.
]]>Unfortunately, in the US, because of our asinine Second Amendment, too many idiots think they have a right to any kind of gun all the time to shoot anything they want, and despite hollow calls to stop all kinds of shooting violence, nothing is done about getting these damn guns away from people who should NEVER have them. The genie is out of the bottle now and I don’t know if it will ever be put back in. This is single-handedly destroying America.
]]>The sole real preventative is massively reduce guns, their availability, and carrying of guns in vehicles, other than during whatever narrow actual hunting seasons occur.
Essentially, for controlled protection, guns must be locked away from users, except inextraordinary designated legal circumstances. It would be best, for example, to have permanent lockers installed at firing ranges, where ALL legal weapons must be kept.