Debate over radical plan to farm kangaroos in Australia – Should it be legalized?

Debate over radical plan to farm kangaroos in Australia – Should it be legalized?

Kangaroos would be farmed across Australia under a radical new plan advocates say would create income for landholders and better animal welfare outcomes. While many farmers shoot macropods, like kangaroos and wallabies, to make way for livestock and crops, the proposal would see pastoralists paid to retain and “manage” them. In an upcoming paper, Professor George […]

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‘The unsung heroes of Australian fauna’: how quolls can help us understand the modern world

‘The unsung heroes of Australian fauna’: how quolls can help us understand the modern world

All Harry Saddler really wanted to do was to see a quoll in the wild. It was November 2019, and the Melbourne-based author was enjoying a surprise publishing success: his small book, The Eastern Curlew, a telling of the extraordinary migration of Australia’s largest shorebird, had sold through its hardcover print run, opening a new […]

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Tasmanian devils wipe out thousands of penguins on tiny Australian island

Tasmanian devils wipe out thousands of penguins on tiny Australian island

An attempt to save the Tasmanian devil by shipping an “insurance population” to a tiny Australian island has come at a “catastrophic” cost to the birdlife there, including the complete elimination of little penguins, according to BirdLife Tasmania. Maria Island, a 116-square-kilometre island east of Tasmania, was home to 3,000 breeding pairs of little penguins […]

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‘Road to extinction’: koalas could soon be listed as endangered in swathes of eastern Australia

‘Road to extinction’: koalas could soon be listed as endangered in swathes of eastern Australia

Koalas could soon be listed as endangered in Queensland, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory after bushfires smashed already struggling populations and destroyed precious habitat. A federal panel of threatened species experts has recommended the marsupial’s status be upgraded from vulnerable in each of the three jurisdictions. Josey Sharrad from the International Fund […]

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