FOUR PAWS Rescues Two Asiatic Black Bear Cubs From The Illegal Wildlife Trade In Vietnam After Smuggler Tried To Sell Them Online

FOUR PAWS Rescues Two Asiatic Black Bear Cubs From The Illegal Wildlife Trade In Vietnam After Smuggler Tried To Sell Them Online

Global animal welfare organization FOUR PAWS has just rescued two Asiatic black bear cubs that were confiscated by the environmental police in Lai Chau Province at the Vietnam border to China on July 21, 2020. The cubs, a male and a female, are only a few months old. The accused wildlife smuggler was being closely […]

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Coronavirus outrage: How traders peddle ‘tiger bone, bear bile and rhino horn’ as cure

Coronavirus outrage: How traders peddle ‘tiger bone, bear bile and rhino horn’ as cure

The coronavirus pandemic has infected more than 2.4 million people worldwide since the first cases were announced in early December. Medical experts across the globe are working tirelessly to develop a vaccine that can halt COVID-19 in its tracks. But in China and other southeast Asian countries there have been reports of countless crooks trying to capitalise on the deadly […]

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The captive lion breeding industry puts conservation and public health at risk

The captive lion breeding industry puts conservation and public health at risk

South Africa is replicating China’s policies that resulted in the Covid-19 outbreak, including mandates promoting domesticating and breeding wild species. South Africa’s captive lion breeding industry will go down as one of the worst chapters in the sustainable use book of conservation. Horror stories of disease-ridden lions living in squalor made international headlines and forced […]

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