EU/Chinese soy consumption linked to species impacts in Brazilian Cerrado: study

EU/Chinese soy consumption linked to species impacts in Brazilian Cerrado: study

Ask Europeans how palm oil consumption is impacting biodiversity, and many will be quick to list threats to the emblematic orangutan, whose habitat in Indonesia has been drastically reduced by oil palm plantations grown for the international market. But ask those same citizens how the massive amount of soy imported from Brazil to feed European […]

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‘Absolute tragedy’: hundreds of koalas feared dead after NSW bushfires

‘Absolute tragedy’: hundreds of koalas feared dead after NSW bushfires

Bushfires sweeping through prime koala habitat in New South Wales may have killed as many as 350 of the iconic native marsupial, conservationists say. The blaze, near Port Macquarie in northern NSW, has burned through thousands of hectares including an important koala breeding ground. On Thursday wildlife researchers visited some of the area destroyed in […]

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These six species are about to be sacrificed for the oil and gas industry

These six species are about to be sacrificed for the oil and gas industry

Republicans in the western United States have been trying to whittle away the Endangered Species Act (ESA) since Donald Trump took office. Under new proposals, wildlife managers would limit protections for species designated as “threatened” (a level below endangered), consider the economic costs prior to defending a species, and de-emphasize long-term threats such as climate […]

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