POLL: Should ‘Hounding’ – the unleashing of packs of powerful, radio-collared dogs upon a lone coyote – be banned?

POLL: Should ‘Hounding’ – the unleashing of packs of powerful, radio-collared dogs upon a lone coyote – be banned?

There’s an activity occurring right now in Vermont, on both private and public lands, that many are unaware of: hounding. Hounding is akin to “dog” fighting; it is lawless and unregulated and those who participate in it have no regard for hunting ethics. It involves unleashing packs of powerful, radio-collared dogs upon a lone coyote […]

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POLL: Should children aged 12 be legally allowed to hunt deer and bear?

POLL: Should children aged 12 be legally allowed to hunt deer and bear?

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s executive budget proposal for this coming fiscal year contains some big changes to New York’s hunting regulations. Among the proposals, the governor would lower the minimum hunting age for big game (deer, bear) with a firearm from 14 to 12, and expand the use of crossbows “in all big game seasons,” including […]

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POLL: Should the Biden Administration reinstate the gray wolf on the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife?

POLL: Should the Biden Administration reinstate the gray wolf on the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife?

When Joe Biden entered the White House on his first day as President of the United States, he signed 17 executive actions and orders — many of which review or reverse environmental policy written under President Donald Trump. In a fact sheet released Tuesday to the heads of relevant agencies, titled “President-elect Biden’s Day One […]

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