Trump Administration Denies Endangered Species Protection for Pacific Fisher Across Most of Species’ Range

Trump Administration Denies Endangered Species Protection for Pacific Fisher Across Most of Species’ Range

PORTLAND,Ore.— The Trump administration today denied Endangered Species Act protections to Pacific fishers from Northern California to the Canadian border, but granted them endangered status in the southern Sierra Nevada. The decision reversed a 2019 proposal to list fishers as threatened throughout their West Coast range. “The Trump administration’s denial of protection for fishers is […]

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This Brutal Pesticide Creates a ‘Circle of Death.’ So Why Is It Making a Comeback?

This Brutal Pesticide Creates a ‘Circle of Death.’ So Why Is It Making a Comeback?

The victim lying on Kevin Hynes’s stainless-steel table on March 11, 2015, showed no obvious cause of death. There were no injuries indicating that she had been hit by a car or electrocuted—the usual killers. Dressed in surgical scrubs and latex gloves, Hynes, a wildlife biologist with the New York Department of Environmental Conservation in […]

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As Guinea-Bissau records mass vulture deaths, poisoning is main suspect

As Guinea-Bissau records mass vulture deaths, poisoning is main suspect

Around 1,000 vultures have been found dead in Guinea-Bissau in the last two weeks, believed to have been poisoned. The birds, almost all critically endangered hooded vultures (Necrosyrtes monachus) were found in different locations across the country, with the majority near the towns of Bafata and Gabu. Initial details suggest that the birds were poisoned, […]

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