Bobcats benefit both human and ecological health, but their growing populations are often misunderstood

Bobcats benefit both human and ecological health, but their growing populations are often misunderstood

The bobcat population has rebounded over the past 125 years, making it North America’s most common wildcat: as of 2011, there were an estimated 3.5 million bobcats in the United States alone, a significant increase from the late 1990s. These intelligent felids, Lynx rufus, have benefited from conservation efforts that have increased their natural habitat. […]

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Giant Rats: Sniffing Out Wildlife Crime | Wild Targets

Giant Rats: Sniffing Out Wildlife Crime | Wild Targets

MOROGORO, Tanzania – Rats have long been misunderstood, often seen as pests rather than pals. However, the African giant pouched rat, the largest in the world, possesses special qualities that have caught the attention of a group of scientists in Tanzania. These experts believe rats can be crime-fighting allies against wildlife trafficking. This innovative approach […]

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Runaway Roadrunner Dashes into Motorsports Office, Jumps on Monitor, Stares at Owner, Runs Out, Hundreds of Miles North of Home-Range Breaking UT State Record

Runaway Roadrunner Dashes into Motorsports Office, Jumps on Monitor, Stares at Owner, Runs Out, Hundreds of Miles North of Home-Range Breaking UT State Record

Provo, Utah — On a July night in the summer of 2024, David Kirkham was watching a documentary on YouTube with his family about the greater roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus) — the fastest running feathered creature on Earth that can also fly. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine one of the lil’ blistering birds […]

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Thousands Of Turtles Washed Up Dead On Indian Coastline

Thousands Of Turtles Washed Up Dead On Indian Coastline

Over a thousand olive ridley sea turtles have mysteriously washed up along the shores of Tamil Nadu, India, sending shockwaves through conservation communities. This once-endangered species, known for gathering in large numbers during breeding season, has long been considered a symbol of successful wildlife protection efforts. But this grim discovery suggests something has gone terribly […]

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