Study of more than 600 animal and plant species finds genetic diversity has declined globally

Study of more than 600 animal and plant species finds genetic diversity has declined globally

Genetic diversity in animals and plants has declined globally over the past three decades, an analysis of more than 600 species has found. The research, published in the journal Nature, found declines in two-thirds of the populations studied, but noted that urgent conservation efforts could halt or even reverse genetic diversity losses. Dozens of scientists […]

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Trump Orders Resource Development on Alaska Public Lands ‘to the Fullest Extent Possible,’ But May Also Restore Hunting Opportunities

Trump Orders Resource Development on Alaska Public Lands ‘to the Fullest Extent Possible,’ But May Also Restore Hunting Opportunities

Among the spate of executive orders issued by the Trump Administration in the last two weeks was a key directive about Alaska‘s public lands and natural resources. The Unleashing Alaska’s Extraordinary Resource Potential executive order is resurrecting controversial development projects like the Ambler Road and drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. That same mandate […]

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Lures that attract seed-dispersing bats could aid tropical reforestation

Lures that attract seed-dispersing bats could aid tropical reforestation

Attracting seed-dispersing bats to degraded landscapes and aiding in tropical forest restoration efforts has long been an alluring prospect for conservationists: potentially a cheaper, less labor-intensive technique than media-hyped plantings of millions of trees. Researchers have experimented with a variety of seed disperser lures for decades, but a recent project in Costa Rica may show […]

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Petition: Help Protect Endangered Pied Tamarin Monkeys from Urban Expansion

Petition: Help Protect Endangered Pied Tamarin Monkeys from Urban Expansion

The pied tamarin, one of the world’s most critically endangered primates, is facing serious threats as the Brazilian government plans to expand the city of Manaus. These adorable monkeys, recognizable by their distinct black and white faces, are now confined to shrinking patches of forest due to urban sprawl, making them vulnerable to road accidents […]

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In the most untouched, pristine parts of the Amazon, birds are dying. Scientists may finally know why

In the most untouched, pristine parts of the Amazon, birds are dying. Scientists may finally know why

Something was happening to the birds at Tiputini. The biodiversity research centre, buried deep in the Ecuadorian Amazon, has always been special. It is astonishingly remote: a tiny scattering of research cabins in 1.7m hectares (4.2m acres) of virgin forest. For scientists, it comes about as close as you can to observing rainforest wildlife in […]

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