Conservation Groups File Lawsuit to Protect Elk Hunting, Wildlife Corridors and Old Growth Forests in Montana

Conservation Groups File Lawsuit to Protect Elk Hunting, Wildlife Corridors and Old Growth Forests in Montana

The Alliance for the Wild Rockies, Native Ecosystems Council and Council on Wildlife and Fish filed a lawsuit in federal court in Montana against a road-building and commercial logging project on public lands in the Big Belt Mountains of Montana. The challenged Wood Duck project is located in a wildlife corridor that is critical for […]

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Bobcats benefit both human and ecological health, but their growing populations are often misunderstood

Bobcats benefit both human and ecological health, but their growing populations are often misunderstood

The bobcat population has rebounded over the past 125 years, making it North America’s most common wildcat: as of 2011, there were an estimated 3.5 million bobcats in the United States alone, a significant increase from the late 1990s. These intelligent felids, Lynx rufus, have benefited from conservation efforts that have increased their natural habitat. […]

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