Richest nations ‘exporting extinction’ with demand for beef, palm oil and timber

Richest nations ‘exporting extinction’ with demand for beef, palm oil and timber

The world’s wealthiest nations are “exporting extinction” by destroying 15 times more biodiversity internationally than within their own borders, research shows. Most wildlife habitats are being destroyed in countries with tropical forest, according to the study which looked at how wealthy countries’ demand for products such as beef, palm oil, timber and soya beans is […]

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Massive tortoise rewilding in Madagascar’s spiny forest strives to save fraught species

Massive tortoise rewilding in Madagascar’s spiny forest strives to save fraught species

TAOLAGNARO, Madagascar – Gabriel Andriamanjaka holds the radiotracking aerial aloft and marches into a spiky forest thicket. Branches whip around his body as he pushes through in pursuit of his quarry. The beeps emitted by the receiver he carries grow more frequent as he closes in. “Found it!” he calls back to us, pointing to […]

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