Building the spine of the universe, an orbweaver studies string theory while rounding up wayward stars. • Orchard Orbweaver | Leucauge venusta
Author: Rick Lieder
Tracing a Fireball
A blazing aeronaut traces a fireball through my garden as the sun dazzles her wings. • Honey bee | Apis mellifera
Airborne & Desperate
Two molls bicker, a friendship ruptures, airborne and desperate, doing whatever they can to stay one step ahead of the law. • Sparrow | Passer domesticus
An Aster Cocktail
Closing her eyes, sipping an aster cocktail, a Cabbage White mocks the heat in the garden of Ra. • Cabbage White butterfly | Pieris rapae
Dancing to the Music of the Spheres
Too many legs to count, a meandering millipede dances to the music of the spheres while hiding from a cold moon. • Myriapod | Millipede
A Twisting Tangle
Tiny hunters break the silk bonds tethering them to the past, their birth a twisting tangle of legs and hunger. • Chinese Praying Mantis | Tenodera aridifolia sinensis
Outlaw Siren
Outlaw siren of primitive magic, a spinning jenny of melodrama mocks the sky and dismantles my yard. • Starling | Sturnus vulgaris
Electric Warrior
An electric warrior on the prowl rivals medieval machines of science and speed, echoes of direct current flickering through the night. • Firefly | Lampyridae | Photinus pyralis