Ravens are found in many countries around the globe. They are well-known for their intelligence and complex social dynamics, as they seem capable of learning innovative solutions to newly encountered problems. Famous Austrian zoologist Konrad Lorenz credited the Raven as having the “highest mental development” of any species in the bird world. Hunters often notice […]
Author: Joachim Ruhstein
Joachim Ruhstein has created a considerable collection of wildlife and nature photographs, as well as several internationally-recognized, award-winning nature films.
On his retirement, Mr. Ruhstein moved with his family from Bavaria, Germany to the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada, where he could continue his adventures in wildlife photography.

Peregrine Falcon – Falco peregrinus
Wanderfalken, Falco peregrinus bekamen ihren Namen aus dem lateinischen Wort “Peregrinus Wanderer oder Pilger” was treffend auf diesen Raubvogel passt. Die Falken sind fast immer unterwegs und sind in ganz Nordamerika und rund um den Globus ausser in der Antarktik anzutreffen. Das Vorkommen war in den 50ger Jahren durch DDT- Vergiftung extrem gefaehrded. Inzwischen haben […]