What goes on inside your head, Said the little cardinal, red. What thoughts and moments Swirl about Do they whisper Or do they shout
Author: Karen Lyons Kalmenson
Vaquita Smiles
Vaquita smiles Sweet whimsy, That only they know. Twenty or less of them left We cannot let Them go.
Dolphin In Freedom
My eyes reflect the blue of the sea When they are in freedom, naturally I can jump up so high Chase and play Catch my food This is the dolphin way But when in a small space Entrapped and alone Or even with others All I can do is moan The blue sea reflection Flickers […]
Coquerel’s Sifaka And The Magic of Madascar
Magic, endangered Soon to be lost, Another great species By “progress” Tossed Please sign and share for lemurs and all of that precious paradise. https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/543/353/808/?rz00m=30794787&redirectID=2724904372
World Orangutan Day
We live in forests. Trees of safe Warm and green. Our livelihood Palace… This is where we Have always been. But each day it Gets worse for us As we forage for food. And play Our kingdoms erased Humans please go away!
Our Pride In Dreams
Our pride in dreams. We seek the world That we knew so well, Traversed so brightly. We understood And were understood. And now… We need your help. Stop hunting us, killing us, enslaving us, eating us. Will you share the world that you took from us, with us?
A World Without Wolves, Isn’t.
The Howl There was a time the world was ours. No big tall buildings, no noisy cars. No people with guns, shooting at Everything they see. When we could howl As a family When we could roam our world At will Not worrying about if we would Be killed The moon our beacon, the sun […]