During the last two weeks our authors and photographers have posted some outstanding articles packed with top-ranking wildlife images. Our competition is called “Best Photo of the Week”.
Click on the first image and then page through the slideshow. Please select the three images you like best of all and vote for them at the bottom of this page. Voting will remain open for 13 days after which the results will be published.
After registering your 3 votes you’ll be able to see which images our other readers have chosen. You may wish to return to this page during the week to see how the voting is proceeding. You may also leave comments at the bottom of this page if you wish.

Which 3 photos from last week did you like best of all?
- Ruby on Purpurea taken in Argentina by Jose Garcia Allievi (17%, 43 Votes)
- Swallow-tailed Kite in Florida by Scott Simmons (11%, 27 Votes)
- Crested Caracara in South Texas by Nancy Elwood (6%, 16 Votes)
- Thread-winged-Lacewing in Spain by Stephen Daly (6%, 14 Votes)
- Arabian Red Fox by Jem Babbington (5%, 13 Votes)
- Patagonian Negrito dancing on hot stones! by Daniel Vago (5%, 13 Votes)
- Common Ostrich in Kenya by Raj Dhage (5%, 13 Votes)
- A bee flying too close to the sun by Rick Lieder (5%, 13 Votes)
- Navajo horse in Monument Valley by Frank Comisar (5%, 12 Votes)
- Fighting African Elephants in Malawi by Dana Allen (5%, 12 Votes)
- The Surprised Tiger by Angad Achappa (5%, 12 Votes)
- Green Bee-eater on a prickly perch by Michael Pope (4%, 10 Votes)
- Bald Eagles of Alaska by Don Getty (4%, 10 Votes)
- European Bee Eater in France by Noushka Lavril (2%, 6 Votes)
- Canyon Wren Chicks by Jill Wussow (2%, 6 Votes)
- Piping Plover Chick (just hatched!) by Myer Bornstein (2%, 5 Votes)
- Twig-Mimic Caterpillar by Julie Feinstein (2%, 5 Votes)
- Green-eyed squid by Margarita Steinhardt (2%, 4 Votes)
- Bengal tiger taken in India by Vilas Sali (2%, 4 Votes)
- Japanese Thrush by John Andrew Wright (2%, 4 Votes)
- Field Flicker in Argentina by Marcelo Allende (1%, 3 Votes)
- Downy Woodpecker in Massachusetts by Carol Duke (1%, 2 Votes)
- Goldcrest in Sweden by Per-Eric Svahn (1%, 2 Votes)
- Barn Swallow in Holland by Tom Smit (0%, 1 Votes)
- Unknown Bird Portrait by Itai Shanni (0%, 0 Votes)
- Western Bluebird Nestling by Larry Jordan (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 99

Best Photo of the Week – Conditions of Entry
1) Entries will be selected from articles posted during the previous week 2) Entries will be limited to one original photo per author / contributor. 3) Any person can propose photos for entry by sending an e-mail to the webmaster. 4) In the absence of entry proposals the webmaster will make the selection. 5) Vote soliciting for individual entries on Facebook is not allowed 6) Winning photos will be featured on our banner.
Our aim is to identify the best photos – not the photographer with the most friends! So please don’t solicit votes on Facebook – if complaints are received, your entry might be disqualified! (see conditions of entry above).
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