In a truly sickening display, a man in Florida recently used his 2000 Chevrolet Tahoe to torment local wildlife. His goal? Chase down, drive over, and torture as many deer as possible, filming the whole thing to later post on TikTok. Sign the petition demanding that Clay Neil Kinney have his license revoked forever. Driving […]
Category: Petitions

Petition: Help Protect Wildlife in New Jersey
Oftentimes, contests bring us together in wonderful ways. The chance to hone a skill, win prizes, and spend time with your community can be an amazing thing. Pie-baking contests, vegetable growing contests, art-making contests — all things that bring us together while adding beauty to the world. But one type of gruesome, tortuous contest does […]

Petition: Help Protect Neil the Seal from Humans
Neil the Seal is a 1,300-pound southern elephant seal who has become a viral sensation in Tasmania. However, there is growing concern for his welfare. Neil’s adventures, while amusing and endearing to many, underscore the potential risks when such a large wild animal becomes too accustomed to human interaction. We must ensure Neil’s safety is […]

Petition: Tell Authorities to Manage Deer Population on Catalina Island with Non-Lethal Methods
On Santa Catalina Island, where children joyfully mistake the local deer for Santa’s reindeer, a controversial proposal to eradicate these animals has caused significant distress among residents and visitors. This proposal to eliminate the entire deer population by shooting them from helicopters not only threatens the gentle creatures that have captivated the hearts of islanders […]

Pair of Siamang Gibbons Released into the Wild After Being Rescued from the Pet Trade
Native to the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra, Siamang gibbons are an endangered species. Yet this does not stop poachers from capturing these gibbons to be sold as part of the illegal pet trade. The enchanting singing these primates are known for makes them especially in demand. Indeed, the illegal pet trade and habitat loss are […]

Petition: Call for an Investigation into the Squirrel Deaths at Zoo in Japan
The tragic incident at Inokashira Park Zoo in Tokyo, where 31 of 40 squirrels died due to an antiparasitic treatment gone wrong, has raised serious concerns about animal welfare and safety protocols within the facility. This heartbreaking loss of Japanese squirrels, a beloved species in the country, calls for an immediate and thorough investigation. Sign […]

Petition: Help Support Ethical Polar Bear Management Practices in Canada
In Churchill, Manitoba, a small, remote town known as ‘the polar bear capital of the world,’ a remarkable story of coexistence and conservation is unfolding. The town’s innovative and humane methods of managing polar bear encounters, including the Polar Bear Alert program and the polar bear holding facility, are making significant strides in balancing human […]

Spotted Black Snake Discovered Chilling in Queensland Toilet
Ah, Australia, the land of adorable fuzzy creatures like koalas and quokkas, but also of terrifying (but important) creatures like crocodiles and spiders the size of your hand. Recently, one Queensland resident had an unexpected run-in with a scaly local. After entering a public toilet, the person was shocked to discover that a spotted black […]