Petition: Help Support Ethical Polar Bear Management Practices in Canada

Petition: Help Support Ethical Polar Bear Management Practices in Canada

In Churchill, Manitoba, a small, remote town known as ‘the polar bear capital of the world,’ a remarkable story of coexistence and conservation is unfolding. The town’s innovative and humane methods of managing polar bear encounters, including the Polar Bear Alert program and the polar bear holding facility, are making significant strides in balancing human […]

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Petition: Demand Australia Enact a Ban on the Domestic Trade of Elephant Ivory and Rhino Horn

Petition: Demand Australia Enact a Ban on the Domestic Trade of Elephant Ivory and Rhino Horn

Canada’s recent landmark ban on the domestic trade of elephant ivory and rhino horn is a breakthrough for wildlife conservation. This bold move throws the spotlight on Australia, where despite strict compliance with international agreements, there’s a glaring inconsistency within the country’s borders. Australia’s states and territories each have their own set of rules regarding […]

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Petition: Help Ban Wildlife Killing Contests in New Jersey

Petition: Help Ban Wildlife Killing Contests in New Jersey

Wildlife killing contests bring people together in the name of death and suffering, and that’s why many states are banning the disgusting tradition altogether.  Source: HSUS/YouTube Oregon, Arizona, California, Colorado, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Vermont, and Washington have all banned wildlife killing contests, and now New York. Why? Because they are widely considered as […]

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