Fascinating Animals of the Serengeti

Fascinating Animals of the Serengeti

The is renowned for its beautiful landscapes, cinematic backdrops, unique ecosystem, the awe inspiring Great Migration and its expansive plains but most of all for its incredible variety of wild animals. The Serengeti is recognized globally for its diverse mixture of species all of which thrive within its wild lands as well as all playing a key role in its flourishing ecosystem.

The remarkable wild animals that roam its boundless savannas are a variety of vibrant species from beetles to insects, amphibians to birds and wild animals to large mammals. The Serengeti isn’t just home to the legendary Big Five, but to some of the most spirited, intriguing, rare and unique species you will ever get to observe.

Since we cannot cover all of the 3,000 varied species that exist here, we are highlighting ten of the most famous animals of the Serengeti and ten of the lesser-known species allowing you to discover just some of the amazing creatures that call the Serengeti their home.

The most well known animals of the Serengeti National Park

The extraordinary wild animals of the Serengeti are the reason why so many tourists flock to this renowned national park in Tanzania. These animals are not only incredible to observe in their
natural habitat during a Serengeti safari but they all play a significant role in maintaining the dynamic ecosystem in the Serengeti. Their vibrant characters and remarkable abilities are what makes them so sensational.

The Serengeti Lion

photo 1516728918023 0fd81a3a149c?q=80&w=750&auto=format&fit=crop&ixlib=rb 4.0The apex predator of the Serengeti. With their bushy mains, loud roars and menacing snarls – these can weigh up to a staggering 400 lbs. You will find a high concentration of lions within the Serengeti National Park. Their golden coats are ideal for camouflaging against the golden grassy savannahs. Their roars can be heard 5 miles away.

The African Elephant

The is one of the Serengeti’s most beloved animals. Often seen in herds, they play an important role in shaping the landscapes of the Serengeti and a key part in the ecosystem by making paths for the herds during the Great Migration through trampling,uprooting trees and delving watering holes. They create strong family bonds and are the largest mammal in the Serengeti.

The Cheetah

The cheetah is one of the animals of the Serengeti you don’t want to miss. They are the fastest animal on land reaching speeds of up to an astounding 60 miles per hour, which make them terrific .

The Giraffe

One of the very first animals you will see as you approach the Serengeti. You wont be able to miss their towering frames, elongated necks and amber colored patterned coats. They are an iconic animal within the park. Wherever there are acacia trees, you will be sure to find a giraffe not far away.

The Leopard

Fascinating Animals of the SerengetiThis solitary creature is spotted seldom within the Serengeti, however one of the most beautiful species you will get to encounter if you are lucky enough. They are one of the top predators within the park. They are also a key player in the Serengeti ecosystem as they maintain a healthy balance in the food chain by controlling numbers of prey animals.

The Wildebeest

photo 1517118828960 de5ea37d8ae6?q=80&w=750&auto=format&fit=crop&ixlib=rb 4.0The humble yet noisy is the heart and soul of the Great Migration. You will find millions of them traveling across the Serengeti plains in search of fresh grazings. Their impressive journey is awe-inspiring and one that is also spectacular to witness. The wildebeest is a gentle grazing animal that enjoys a herbivore diet.

The Hyena

The hyena is one of the most disfavored animals of the Serengeti. They are extremely skilled hunters within large packs. They are also scavengers that eat the remains of carcasses which in turn helps preserve the Serengeti’s ecological balance.

The Flamingo

photo 1713924167820 4385f8a758d3?q=80&w=750&auto=format&fit=crop&ixlib=rb 4.0The striking is one of the Serengeti’s most delightful animals. You will find them throughout the alkaline lakes found within the park during migration. They love to feed on algae and brine shrimp.

The lesser known species of the Serengeti National Park

When you think of the wild animals in the Serengeti National Park, the Big Five will almost always spring to mind. However, there are over 3,000 species that reside in this expansive region – all of which play a key role in making the Serengeti so exciting for animal viewings and its biodiverse ecosystem. Whether you are venturing to the Serengeti on your next Tanzania adventure or merely interested to see which animals of the Serengeti inhabit the park – here are the Top 10 lesser known species to put on your radar:

The Aardvark

The Aardvark is a wonderfully intriguing animal that you may see on your adventures through the Serengeti at night since they are nocturnal creatures. You will undoubtedly be able to spot one from afar because of their long snouts. Their diet consists of ants and termites and they play an important role in controlling insect numbers.

Secretary Bird

The unique secretary bird is one of the Serengeti’s most watched species. Their distinctive looks are striking and unique. The secretary bird is renowned for its long legs and great hunting skills. In fact, their powerful legs are used to stomp on prey creatures such as insects, snakes and a variety of other creatures.

Baboon Spiders

You may only get to witness this rather large spider if you opt to experience a nature walk within the plains of the Serengeti. These large tarantulas are commonly found in borrows within the ground. They have particularly large frames – with legs that can reach between a mighty 6 to 8 inches. Their hairy coats help in sensing vibrations from predators. They prefer to come out at night to hunt and forage for food.

Bat-eared Fox

The bat-eared fox is a must-see animal of the Serengeti that will leave you with a lasting impression because of its unique appearance.With a small head and rather large ears, it is nocturnal but you may be lucky and catch a glimpse of them at dusk or at dawn. It loves to feed on insects, beetles and grasshoppers with help from its large ears to help them hear and locate insects.

Pygmy Mongoose

photo 1517765808589 729a992ea0ec?q=80&w=750&auto=format&fit=crop&ixlib=rb 4.0The pygmy mongoose is one of the smaller mongoose species that you may come across in the Serengeti. They are extremely sociable animals and live in large groups. They play a key role in the food chain as they control the insect populations as well as provide prey for wild animals like eagles and jackals.


You most probably will always catch a glimpse of a vulture or two when journeying the Serengeti. Even though they are known to be scavengers, vultures are a vital bird of the Serengeti. They prevent the spread of diseases by cleaning uneaten carcasses. There isn’t just one type of vulture in the Serengeti – there are several species including the griffon vulture and the white-backed vulture.


The wonderful and endangered pangolin is a very rare and elusive creature that mainly comes out at night. Their scaley coat is a distinctive feature to the pangolin. They use their scales to curl up into a ball when predators are approaching. They are known to be mainly insectivorous, which means their favorite food is ants and termites.

Sociable Weaver

The sociable weaver is a small bird that is known to build enormous nests that not only weigh a few tons but can hold several hundreds of generations of . They are a key player in the
Serengetis ecosystem – dispersing seeds which is vital for the growth of numerous plants. However the gigantic nests they build can have an adverse effect on the trees. Weighing down and even breaking the branches. If you get to see one of their nests – you will most likely be taken aback by the size, some nearly taking over most of the tree top.

Giant Bullfrog

The giant bullfrog is certainly gigantic and a rather remarkable amphibian. They can reach around 13 inches long and weigh around 1 kg. Their bodies are muscular and legs are strong, which enables them to jump far and swim with vigour. Even though they are elusive, you will most likely find them in wetlands and grasslands. They are carnivores and are known to eat small animals like birds and rodents.

Yellow Spotted Rock Hyrax

The yellow spotted look very similar to rodents, however they are known to be closely linked to and manatees. They are a prey species and fall prey to predators such as and eagles. You will find them in rocky outcrops which is where they live.

These are just a few of the extraordinary lesser known species that you might get to observe on your next adventure to Tanzania. Even though they are much less famous than the Big Five, they are just as important to the Serengeti’s ecosystem. Proving that the Serengeti is home to an incredibly vast array of wild species that all contribute to why this region is so astonishing and remains one of the best places to visit in the entire world.

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