A recent report from a National Geographic funded study with Duke University found that the worldwide lion population has plummeted by two thirds over the past 50 years. The rapid downward spiral is due to direct human conflict and extreme fragmentation of habitat due to human settlement.
West Africa has fewer than 500 lions remaining and only 9 African countries have populations with greater than 1000 individuals. “Curiosity killed the cat” was from a saying attributed to an early English playwright originally stated as “care will kill a cat”.
Unfortunately, it is the current lack of care which is killing our lions and the responsibility rests squarely upon our shoulders.

Dana Allen
Professional Wildlife and Adventure Photographer, Naturalist, Publisher and Educator. Dana Allen was born in California and raised as a global citizen. As a youth he travelled widely, visiting and living in numerous countries around the world. Acquiring his first camera at the age of 12, Dana’s passion for photography has never dimmed. He studied Fine Art Photography in Arizona and was awarded both a Bachelors and a Masters Degree with highest honours. Dana has taught photography in Universities both in the United States and Zimbabwe. Enthused with the environment and its inhabitants, Dana is dedicated to portraying the natural world around us. He founded PhotoSafari in 1991 and has specialized in photographing wildlife, landscapes and tourism activities in Africa ever since. Millions of viewers have enjoyed his images through various publications, cards, calendars and books.
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