It is a month now since my last posting. I am presently recovering from hip surgery and it may be many weeks before I am able to get out and about again with the camera. To keep the blog alive I am therefore publishing a few images taken before I went into hospital Apart from the little owl they were all taken in Bowland.
The pheasant, red legged partridge, brown hare and roe deer were all taken on an early morning sortie around Bowland’s quiet lanes and back roads. The little owl is one discovered near Inskip and one I am keen to see again as it may now have young. The spotted flycatcher was photographed near Abbeystead in Bowland just before going into hospital. When next I visit the area the flycatcher and its young will probably be on their way to Africa for the winter.
Thanks very much for looking in and I hope to be mobile very soon and bring you more of Lancashire’s wonderful wildlife.

Brian Rafferty
I am based in Preston. Lancashire. This central location enables me to travel easily to a wide variety of habitats in the North of England. I tend these days not to travel very far as I find that there is plenty to see not very far from home. On my own doorstep are a wonderful variety of habitats - natural woodlands, open fells and hill country, unspoilt river valleys and I have easy access to the delights of the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales National Parks. As you will see from my bird images much time is spent at the wonderful coastal sites forming part of Morecambe Bay and the Ribble Estuary e.g. Marshside and Leighton Moss. In recent years Digital Photography has taken over from Video and as time has moved on I have acquired more and more equipment - as you do!!
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