Yesterday when I was at Jetty Park I came across a Little Blue Heron and Snowy Egret walking along the dark rocks that lined the inlet. And the photos made me decide to do a post about exposure compensation. How you set your exposure compensation depends in part on the metering method you use. Here […]
The Heart of the Delta…
Angolan Reed Frog (Hyperolius parallelus). Okavango Delta, Botswana. Nikon D3s. Nikon 105 mm. ISO 800. f13 @ 1/250 Sec. Lexar media. © Dana Allen with Little Vumbura Camp & Wilderness Safaris
Shimabara Athletic Park
This morning I decided to try again for Ryukyu Minivet at Shimabara Athletic Park. The western side of the sports park has a forested area with a couple of short trails which backs onto a mountainous area. The deepest part of this forest has a small, usually dry, pond-like area. I have checked this location […]
[Passarinhando no Brasil] Dois lifers em Guarapuava, PR.
Dia 28/12/2012 fui com Camila para Guarapuava, PR, passar a virada do ano na casa de um casal de amigos. E obviamente, o equipamento foi comigo. Meu objetivo era fotografar o tico-tico-do-banhado e o azulinho, dois bichos que eu não tinha ainda conseguido ver, e lá eu sabia que ocorriam. Embora o tempo estivesse feio […]
Aguila harris (Parabuteo unicinctus)
El Aguila harris o Halcon de harris es una rapaz de gran popularidad entre los cetreros,en libertad forma grupos familiares similares a la de los lobos,este ejemplar de las fotos se le debio escapar algun cetrero.Espero que tenga suerte y pueda vivir en libertad por mucho tiempo
Leucistic Mallard – Anas platyrhychos
At one of the locations that I photograph at, there mute swans and mallards present along with other species of ducks and geese. I discovered what appears to be a partially leucistic mallard on the pond. What what became interesting, is that the mute swans started chasing this mallard, although they do not chase any […]
Best Photo of the Week Ended 12 Jan 2013
We are pleased to announce the winners of our most recent “Best Photo of the Week” Competition. Morkel Erasmus wins First Prize for his outstanding photo “Rocket Landing”. Rick Lieder wins Second Prize with “A new born mantis seeks her first meal” and Glenn Bartley wins Third Prize with “Black-hooded Sunbeam”. See images below with […]
Carpintero bataraz chico (Checkered Woodpecker)
Esta fue la única especie nueva para nuestros registros para la familia Picidae en nuestro viaje a Formosa, nos faltó el Carpintero copete pajizo al cual lo escuché vocalizar solamente dos veces y me quedé con ganas de sacarle una foto; en cambio esta pareja del Bataraz chico se mostró bastante confiada y me permitió […]