This animal is on the edge of extinction. Trump just fired the people trying to save it

This animal is on the edge of extinction. Trump just fired the people trying to save it

In the open grasslands of South Dakota, not far from the dramatic rock formations of Badlands National Park, lives one of the continent’s cutest, fiercest, and rarest animals: the black-footed ferret. Black-footed ferrets, weasel-like animals with distinctive dark bands around their eyes and black feet, are ruthless little hunters. At night, they dive into burrows […]

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Rare Footage of Moms, Cubs Emerging from Dens Sheds Light on Elusive Polar Bear Reproduction

Rare Footage of Moms, Cubs Emerging from Dens Sheds Light on Elusive Polar Bear Reproduction

Cub survival underpins species survival, and the denning period is the most vulnerable period of their life — less than 50% of cubs may make it to adulthood. As industry expands in the Arctic, the study highlights the importance of undisturbed denning areas to protect polar bear populations. “Polar bear mothers are having increasing difficulties […]

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Most Conservation Funding Goes to Large, ‘Charismatic’ Vertebrates Instead of Lesser-Known, Threatened Species: Study

Most Conservation Funding Goes to Large, ‘Charismatic’ Vertebrates Instead of Lesser-Known, Threatened Species: Study

Larger, dynamic animal species like rhinoceroses and elephants get a lot of well-deserved attention. But they also get the lion’s share of global conservation funding, leaving threatened species that are not as well-known to fend for themselves. A 25-year study led by researchers at University of Hong Kong (HKU) has found that, of the nearly […]

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Raptors illegally shot and killed as they rest in barns and roosts, Utah officials say

Raptors illegally shot and killed as they rest in barns and roosts, Utah officials say

Several species of raptors, including hawks and owls, were illegally shot and killed in southern Utah over the last few months, wildlife officials said. Eleven birds were found shot and killed between December and February, the Utah Department of Natural Resources said in an emailed news release on Feb. 27. Natural Resource officers determined all […]

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