I shoot RAW almost exclusively. Therefore every shot I take needs at least a bit of post processing; usually only noise reduction (anything shot at iso 400 or above with that darn 7D), and a few minor curves adjustments to set the white & black points, brightness, and contrast. Sometimes I’ll do a little dodging […]
Hooded Merganser – Lophdytes cucullatus
What I love about winter in New England is that the pond start to freeze up and it concentrates the ducks and other birds into smaller areas that have open water. At a local pond in Plymouth Massachusetts, it becomes much easier to photograph and observe hooded mergansers. I was able to observe and photograph […]
Bonaparte’s Gull
There are several Bonaparte’s Gulls that have been hanging around the rte 417 bridge over Lake Jesup. This morning I drove by there on my way into work, and three of them were hanging around Overlook Park. A couple of them were flying circles around pier where I was standing. One in particular was very […]
Monjita blanca (White monjita)
La foto es un asco, se nubló, cambiaron todos los colores, se apaga el contraste y el contraluz jugó en contra, pero como la Monjita se posó bien cerca no estaba para desaprovechar la oportunidad y a pesar de todas las contras le saqué una foto.
Golden Winged Cacique
The wet season in South East Brazil runs from November to March. In the atlantic forest, the rain is almost permanent. Sometimes, however, it is possibly to use this critical photography condition as an advantage. This photo was taken on a cloudy day, under a thin rain in the forest of Ubatuba, Brasil . The […]
New Year’s Day walk in the Howardian Hills
Happy New Year to everyone and to all you birders out there I hope you’re 2013 year list has got off to a good start. Mine is so abysmally average I’m not even going to let on! Struggled to get out what with one thing and another … weather mainly, but I did get out […]
Chororó (Great antshrike)
Este fue nuestro segundo avistaje del Chororó en la provincia de Formosa, en esta oportunidad lo observamos temprano a la mañana en la estancia Don Joaquín, el primero en aparecer fue el macho el cual se acercó bastante al lugar en el que yo estaba y me permitió obtener una buena imagen, mejoré bastante las […]
Wildlife Flash Photography Tips at Dawn and Dusk
Dusk and dawn are photographically magical times of the day for flash photography. The sky is usually at it very best 15 to 30 minutes before and after the sun has risen or set, that is weather permitting of course. Combine these rich colours creating stunning backdrops with an interesting well-lit subject at exactly the […]