Petition: Tell the International Whaling Commission to Reconsider Approving Whale Sanctuary

Petition: Tell the International Whaling Commission to Reconsider Approving Whale Sanctuary

Whale advocates’ hopes were dashed at the recent International Whaling Commission (IWC) meeting in Lima, Peru, where a critical vote to establish a whale sanctuary was blocked.

The proposed South Atlantic Whale Sanctuary would have made the South Atlantic permanently off limits to whaling, and has been considered at almost every IWC meeting since 1999.

The fact that a small group of pro-whaling nations are able to prevent global efforts to conserve these magnificent creatures is a disgrace.

Sign the petition to demand the International Whaling Commission reconsider approving the South Atlantic Whale Sanctuary.

This sanctuary is essential — not just for the South Atlantic but as a precedent for global marine conservation. Whales face numerous threats from human activities, and sanctuaries provide them with critical refuge where they can thrive free from the threat of hunting.

The opposition to this sanctuary by a minority reflects a broader issue within the IWC, where economic interests too often overshadow the urgent need for conservation.

Whaling is inherently cruel, with no humane way to kill these intelligent and massive animals. Establishing the sanctuary would not only protect whales but also promote responsible whale watching, which offers sustainable economic opportunities that respect wildlife.

Sign this petition to urge the International Whaling Commission to approve the South Atlantic Whale Sanctuary and send a clear message that the world demands action, not just words, to protect our whales!

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This article by Mathew Davis  was first published by One Green Planet on 17 October 2024. Image Credit :Sash Mik/Shutterstock.

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