Study links African lion survival to prey availability

Study links African lion survival to prey availability

BLANTYRE, Malawi ― African lions are declining due to the decrease in their herbivore prey, necessitating the need for increased prey protection measures to reverse this trend, a study says. According to the study published in the Conservation Science and Practice journal, preventing prey depletion can improve the lion’s reproduction and population growth in ecosystems […]

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Wyoming Lawmakers Tried to Declare Open Season on Mountain Lions. Local Houndsmen Shut It Down

Wyoming Lawmakers Tried to Declare Open Season on Mountain Lions. Local Houndsmen Shut It Down

Luke Worthington has chased lions in Wyoming’s mountains with his ragtag pack of seven hounds for almost 20 years. His 16-year-old daughter doesn’t know what life would be like without the barking and baying, high-energy creatures in her life. But when the Wyoming legislature proposed a bill to allow unlimited hunting this winter, Worthington wasn’t […]

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90 Dolphins Stranded in Australia Are Being Euthanised. Here’s Why They Can’t Be Saved.

90 Dolphins Stranded in Australia Are Being Euthanised. Here’s Why They Can’t Be Saved.

Wildlife rangers will Wednesday begin shooting 90 dolphins stranded on a remote Australian beach, saying the stressed creatures would be euthanised after attempts to refloat them failed. A pod of 157 dolphins from a poorly understood deep-sea species was found stranded Tuesday evening on an isolated beach in Australia‘s southern island of Tasmania. Tasmania’s environment […]

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