A passion for challenge will take you to Costa Rica. The birds are spectacular, and the degree of difficulty for photography is immense. If you have never photographed birds in Costa Rica, you are definitely in for a treat. The colours alone make it worth the trip.
A big part of any successful adventure is knowing where to go, and when. this country has 12 climate cells, each one has it’s own system. Rain is always a factor while planning. A good combination of direct sunlight, and overcast skies will compliment your tour, so long as you know how to work with pure natural light.
Each location that we visit has a fantastic learning curve. After 6 successful tours, I know where to go and when, the landscapes, the hummingbirds, and the tanagers all have their prime time. On a golf course, local knowledge is key. Well, the same holds true for Costa Rica. When and where you travel is so important. The infrastructure is not bad once you know your way around.
Being well connected is really important. My first trip to Costa Rica back in 2006 was a fantastic learning experience. We had superb shooting, and I was lucky to connect with a good guide. The issue with guides is simple, they need to know photography, and frankly, most do not. Normally, a tour lasts 6-8 days, and you need to make the most of your time there, for the well refined photographer, or for the beginner, we encourage you to get connected with the right people for your trip.

Raymond Barlow Photography Tours will connect you with the wildlife photography that you dream about, Tanznaia, Costa Rica, Newfoundland, India, or the Grizzly Bears of British Columbia.
We offer several tours around the world, private workshops, group rates. Please review the latest tour info on this webpage, and thanks for your visit here with “Focus on Wildlife”.

Raymond Barlow
Ray Barlow's passion for capturing birds and wildlife began at the Manila Zoo in 2004. Since then he has established himself as a professional bird and wildlife photographer. Ray is based near to Toronto Canada and hosts photography travel tours and workshops around the world. He goes to places like Yellowstone, Tanzania, Costa Rica, India, and British Columbia. Action photography including animals in chase or birds such as hummingbirds in flight is Ray's specialty. Now being sponsored by Jobu Design gimbal Heads.
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