We are delighted to announce the RESULTS of our most recent “Best Photo of the Week” Competition.
Jose Garcia Allievi wins First Prize for his outstanding image “Ruby on Purpurea”.
Scott Simmons wins Second Prize with “Swallow-tailed Kite in Florida” and Nancy Ellwood wins Third Prize with “Crested Caracara in South Texas”.

The voting for all entries can be seen on the link – Best Photo of the Week Competition.
Best Photo of the Week – Conditions of Entry
1) Entries will be selected from articles posted during the previous week 2) Entries will be limited to one original photo per author / contributor. 3) Any person can propose photos for entry by sending an e-mail to the webmaster. 4) In the absence of entry proposals the webmaster will make the selection. 5) Vote soliciting for individual entries on Facebook is not allowed 6) Winning photos will be featured on our banner.
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