A very rare setting full strawberry moon was observed on the summer solstice this week with the occasion not to return again until June 2062.
The moonset above (image 1) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
Celebrating the occasion was my birding expedition to Access #5 at Siesta Key Beach in Sarasota to begin a Summer Florida beach tour. The low tide was nearly that of the high tide hours earlier. The sky was clear like I had not seen it at this venue before with a more than welcome respite from typical humid conditions at this time of year.
The Roseate Spoonbill above (image 2) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Snowy Egret above (image 3) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Black Skimmer above (image 4) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Mottled Duck above (image 5) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Willet above (image 6) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Willet above (image 7) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The juvenile Snowy Egret above (image 8) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Snowy Egret above (image 9) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Snowy Egret above (image 10) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Willet above (image 11) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Black-bellied Plover above (image 12) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
House Sparrows were the first birds seen upon arrival at the beach access. On approach to the tidal pool, waders were actively feeding. One of the very few shorebirds at the tidal pool was a White-rumped Sandpiper. It was actively feeding, and I found it very interesting that it walked backwards in its routine.
The Roseate Spoonbill above (image 13) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Reddish Egret above (image 14) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The White-rumped Sandpiper above (image 15) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The White-rumped Sandpiper above (image 16) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The White-rumped Sandpiper above (image 17) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Reddish Egret above (image 18) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Reddish Egret above (image 19) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Willet above (image 20) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Reddish Egret above (image 21) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The scene above (image 22) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Brown Pelican above (image 23) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
There were two blast offs observed during my visit with one inexplicable. The other occurred when some beach goers approached too close to the tidal pool. While there were a good number of Snowy Plovers on hand, none were seen within their protected nesting areas. A Yellow-crowned Night-Heron was observed skulking within the north area, however.
The Sandwich Tern above (image 24) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Fish Crow above (image 25) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Reddish Egret above (image 26) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Fish Crow above (image 27) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Ring-billed Gull above (image 28) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Ring-billed Gull above (image 29) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Snowy Egret above (image 30) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Double-crested Cormorant above (image 31) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Double-crested Cormorant above (image 32) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Double-crested Cormorant above (image 33) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Laughing Gull above (image 34) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
In my near four hours of observations at and near the tidal pool, I was able to observe 31 species of aves. The Chimney Swifts were as usual extremely difficult to photograph successfully. There were a large number of Green Darner Dragonflies present. I didn’t observe any damselflies although I was not looking for them.
The Double-crested Cormorant above (image 35) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Laughing Gull above (image 36) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Great Egret above (image 37) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Royal Tern above (image 38) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Double-crested Cormorant above (image 39) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Black Skimmer above (image 40) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Snowy Egret above (image 41) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Snowy Egret above (image 42) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Chimney Swift above (image 43) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Double-crested Cormorant above (image 44) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Semipalmated Plover above (image 45) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
A couple of weeks ago Audubon Florida advised that their staff from across the state had reported devastating losses of chicks and eggs due to Tropical Storm Colin. It is hoped that additional visits to beaches in the late nesting season will offer observations of recovery.
The Osprey above (image 46) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Royal Tern with prey above (image 47) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Snowy Plover above (image 48) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Snowy Plover above (image 49) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Snowy Plover above (image 50) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Sanderling above (image 51) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Ruddy Turnstone above (image 52) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Yellow-crowned Night-Heron above (image 53) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Mourning Dove above (image 54) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Royal Tern above (image 55) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Chimney Swift above (image 56) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
While it was apparent that nesting activity appeared non-existent, it was still a very rewarding visit to Siesta Key Beach as always with a rarity a possibility.
The Chimney Swift above (image 57) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Herring Gull above (image 58) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The juvenile Reddish Egret above (image 59) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The juvenile Reddish Egret above (image 60) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Herring Gull above (image 61) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Osprey above (image 62) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
The Reddish Egret above (image 63) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.
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The Carolina Saddlebags Dragonfly above (image 64) was photographed at Siesta Key Beach in June 2016.

Bob Pelkey
This blog is updated every Friday (preferably) and randomly, primarily on the subject of wildlife observation in the state of Florida. This blog is in conjunction with my secondary photo site at http://www.pbase.com/jkrnm5/
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