We awoke at 05:30 and then headed the short distance from Casa de Eliza in Limonal, northwards, to the start of the Chical Road. After a wrong turn into a dead-end street we were on our way up the gravelled road, as the light increased we passed through small homesteads, banana and cassava plantations with […]
Tag: Acadian Flycatcher

Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, 8/21/2015
This past Saturday I visited the wildlife drive at Lake Apopka. I was hoping to get some nice migrant activity, and I was not disappointed. Yellow Warblers were everywhere! I estimated 20 of them, but I think I underestimated. In one little spot along the lakeshore there were perhaps 10 Yellow Warblers, 2 Prothonotary Warblers, […]

Black-crowned Night Heron at Spring Hammock Preserve
Black-crowned Night HeronI drove to Spring Hammock Preserve this morning hoping to find my first Great Crested Flycatcher of the year. I didn’t see one, but I did hear one calling. The biggest surprise, though, was this Black-crowned Night …

Central Winds Park, 9/4/2013
I had a pretty good time at Central Winds this morning. I’d seen an Acadian Flycatcher there yesterday, though there was enough yellow on it that I thought it might have been an early Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. My recording of its calls was pretty terrible, but I still think it’s an Acadian. I returned to where […]

Growing Caterpillar
For the past few weeks, I have been watching black swallowtail caterpillars in a nearby stand of fennel plants. Like many butterfly species, black swallowtails are picky about what they eat. They prefer host plants in the carrot family, Apiaceae, which includes parsley, fennel, dill, Queen Anne’s Lace, and of course, carrots. Fennel smells like […]

Occoquan Bay NWR, 6/11/2013
I’m up in Virginia visiting my parents, and so my father and I decided to visit the Occoquan Bay NWR, which is a wonderful area to visit. We walked a couple miles from the parking lot to the Potomac River and back, and saw some pretty fun things. We heard several Yellow-billed Cuckoos there, and […]