The Sanibel Lighthouse Hawk Watch with Vince McGrath has been an anticipated event for a number of years prior to leaving the state of Florida for what you might not believe a move of mine to the great white north. The Osprey above (image 1) was photographed at the Sanibel Island Lighthouse in October 2016. […]
Tag: American Kestrel

Saw-whet Owl!
One of the only things I love more than the Chicago Cubs is the Black-capped Chickadee, and Saturday, the Cubs and chickadees conspired to bring me some magical Karma when I led a bird walk for Hawk Ridge Observatory along Duluth’s Western Waterfront Trail. It was warm for early March—it didn’t freeze the night before, […]

Halconcito colorado (American Kestrel) Falco sparverius
Regresando del Club Refugio Ombú el 5 de Julio pasado como es habitual nos demoramos unas dos o tres horas en ocasiones para recorrer los kilómetros del camino de tierra hacia la Ruta 12. Siempre aparece algo interesante o como en este caso alguna especie en particular se queda perchando en alguno de los tantos […]

Birding and Photography Ethics
I’ve been an avid photographer for just about all this millennium, but I only became significantly interested in birding and wildlife photography after I received my 400mm lens and moved to Florida. I spent my early months here driving around wildlife loops and photographing whatever birds I saw. Eventually, I wanted to photograph more diversity […]

Here, there, and everywhere.
Whoa. Hey there, strangers. Two months was the last time I updated this – unacceptable! But not my fault, I promise! I haven’t been on an actual computer until a few days ago and things have been a little chaotic. I spent most of December in New Mexico with family (yay!) and then all the […]

American Kestrel (Southeastern Subspecies)
American Kestrels are pretty common in the U.S., and here in Florida, we get to enjoy them in significant numbers throughout the winter months, but beginning in March or April, most of our Kestrels leave us. But there are some that stay with us all year round. The southeastern subspecies of American Kestrel mostly found […]

Viera Wetlands, 1/18/2014
Yesterday I made it out to Viera Wetlands for a little bit during the afternoon. I much prefer to go in the morning, but even though family commitments kept me home in the morning, afternoon birding proved to be all that I’d hoped. My biggest goal was to see an Ash-throated Flycatcher that’s been seen […]

American Kestrel Flight under Morning Light
This morning I arrived at Central Winds to find an American Kestrel on one of the goal posts of the football field. I saw the Kestrel fly off to terrorize some Killdeer, so I took that opportunity to position myself in between the sun and the goal post, hopefully get shots of it returning with […]