Genetic diversity in animals and plants has declined globally over the past three decades, an analysis of more than 600 species has found. The research, published in the journal Nature, found declines in two-thirds of the populations studied, but noted that urgent conservation efforts could halt or even reverse genetic diversity losses. Dozens of scientists […]
Tag: arctic fox

South Korea Implements Ban on Exotic Animal Cafes!
South Korea has taken a significant step towards enhancing animal welfare with the recent implementation of a ban on exotic animal cafes. These establishments, where visitors could see, touch, and interact with a variety of wild animals, were subject to an amendment to the Wildlife Protection and Management Act approved at a Cabinet meeting on […]

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After a short break of playing with his brothers and sisters, this young Arctic Fox (Vulpes lagopus) is summoned by his mother to partake in a mid-day meal. Alkehornet, Svalbard Norway

Dagens väder inbjöd till en liten skogstur med termos och kameran, blev kanske inte så mycket fotat men jag gillar lav på träden så det fick bli ett par bilder på detta. Jag använde ett minnes kort som jag inte haft i sedan sommaren och vad dök upp när jag tankade över bilderna jo lite […]