Chlamydia has spread to Sydney’s only disease-free koala population with two koalas testing positive after they were rescued late last year. The koalas were tested after they were found in Appin in south-western Sydney in September with injuries suggesting they had both been hit by cars. One koala was treated while the other had to […]
Tag: Australia

Seabird Chicks Suffer Alzheimer’s-Like Brain Damage from Plastic Pollution
A new study has found that seabird chicks are suffering from brain damage caused by ingesting plastic—despite appearing healthy on the outside. According to The Guardian, researchers from the University of Tasmania examined dozens of fledgling flesh-footed shearwaters from Lord Howe Island and found alarming results. While these chicks look outwardly fit, blood tests revealed […]

Record-Breaking Migration of Orange-Bellied Parrot Will be Flying High After Years of Conservation Work Pays Off
With the news headlines around the COP events full of general doom and gloom about species decline, it’s worth taking the time to meet one lucky bird that’s on the mend. From as few as 17 known individuals, the orange-bellied parrots of Tasmania now number in the low hundreds after years of hard conservation work. […]

This tiny animal has venom so deadly it could kill a human within minutes – and there’s no antidote
These cute cephalopods that fit in the palm of your hand could kill you in minutes with a venom a thousand times stronger than cyanide, says Melissa Hobson What are blue-ringed octopuses? Blue-ringed octopus are a genus of octopus known for their iridescent blue markings. These iconic patterns only reveal themselves when the little octopus […]

US influencer draws backlash for stealing baby wombat from mum
Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is the latest to criticise a US influencer whose video of her taking a wild baby wombat away from its distressed mother has angered conservationists. Albanese suggested that the woman, Sam Jones, tries doing so with animals that “can actually fight back”: “Take a baby crocodile from its mother and […]

Superb Lyrebirds ‘Farm’ Their Invertebrate Prey, Ornithologists Discover
The superb lyrebird (Menura novaehollandiae), a ground-dwelling species of moist eucalypt forests in south-eastern Australia, engineers micro-habitats to host and fatten its prey — worms, centipedes and spiders — before returning later to feast, according to new research. “The superb lyrebird is a large ground-dwelling passerine bird, widespread in wet forests of eastern Australia and […]

Cassowary Populations Sparks Concern in Australia’s Rainforests
Australia’s rugged reputation has met its match in the cassowary, a flightless bird often described as “the world’s most dangerous.” Standing as tall as a person and sporting a fierce claw on each foot, it’s no wonder these ancient-looking creatures can startle even the bravest adventurers. They roam the deep rainforests of northern Queensland, playing […]

An Australian state promised to turn native forest into a national koala park. It’s still being logged
The koala was officially declared endangered in the Australian state of New South Wales in February 2022. A year later, the Labor Party promised to create a 315,000-hectare (778,000-acre) Great Koala National Park to protect the iconic species in the state from extinction. Labor went on to win the state election that year over the […]