On a cold day, make that a very cold day with winds causing discomfort for a former Floridian, I made efforts to observe a reported Barrow’s Goldeneye near Tuxis Island in Connecticut to close my 2016 wildlife observations. I heard from wildlife blogger Hemant Kishan who told me that he has seen Barrow’s Goldeneye on […]
Tag: Barrow’s Goldeneye

Return To Hammonasset Beach State Park
A second visit to Hammonasset Beach State Park was made a couple of days after my first on New Year’s Day when it was warmer with the park surprisingly crowded with visitors. I again made a motor birding tour as the ankle heals. I gravitated to the pond northwest of the traffic circle which I […]

The Birds of Yellowstone by Don Getty – Part One
When people plan to visit Yellowstone National Park, they generally anticipate seeing wildlife like bears, buffalo, elk, etc. and the natural wonders such as geysers and waterfalls. Often overlooked is the incredible variety of birds. I drove away from two grizzlies in poor light which were just down the road from a group of American […]