A trip with friends to Weymouth in Dorset, to visit Radipole Lake and Lodmoor RSPB reserves. The forecast was for warmth and sun but the sea mist didn’t clear all day and it was pretty cold, but good birds were seen including the expected Bearded Tit (though only the one male). Marsh Harrier ( I […]
Tag: Bearded Tit

More Pygmy Owls
This blog is at risk of becoming Simon’s Pygmy Owl blog, but this is the time of year when they are relatively easy to find and they are a great bird! My birding day started with the Maridalen bird but he was sat quite high up and soon flew to other side of a large […]

Quiet morning at Minsmere
At the crack of dawn we’re walking the north bushes at Minsmere only to find a few Brambling and a Bullfinch for our effort. An Otter and four Red Deer showed as we walked the north wall and lot’s of Beardies pinged all around but despite the calm didn’t show that well. On the wader […]

Leighton Moss – Egrets and Waders
I hadn’t visited Leighton Moss for many months and I was keen to visit again. Autumn had arrived and thankfully the very high temperatures of the Summer were a distant memory. It promised to be a lovely day as I arrived at the Eric Morecambe hide. There were plenty of birds on show especially the […]

North-west China (Xinjiang) – 6th May (Day 16)
Today was on a knife edge, and stress levels in the group were high, we had two endemic birds to see and only around three hours in which to see them – it could go well or horribly wrong. If the latter then the only bird I would have gained from the Luntain part of […]

Lakenheath Haven for the Reed Bunting
At Lakenheath today we had three flight views of the Bitterns along with several views of the constantly calling Cuckoo. No Cranes today but we did find a smart drake Garganey on the scrape. A single Hobby was seen flying in and then sitting in a tree to give good scope views and the reserve […]

Sleeping Pygmy Owl
It really is quiet at the moment on the bird front. Summer migrants have all left but there are very few exciting winter birds around. The Pygmy Owls in Maridalen don’t seem to be around anymore with a bird I saw early on Saturday morning the last sighting. There have been some reports of large […]

Bearded Reedlings (Panurus biarmicus)
Nice and sunny with no fog today so I thought I’d try for the hairy titties again. I found them and at times had them close, sometimes also with sun light on them and also close enough to use the flash but am I happy with any of the pics? Don’t think so. Behavior wise […]