One of the only things I love more than the Chicago Cubs is the Black-capped Chickadee, and Saturday, the Cubs and chickadees conspired to bring me some magical Karma when I led a bird walk for Hawk Ridge Observatory along Duluth’s Western Waterfront Trail. It was warm for early March—it didn’t freeze the night before, […]
Tag: Black-capped Chickadee

Feeder Style
House finches were hanging around the bird feeders last week in the section of Central Park called the Ramble. In this picture a few of them are gathered on one of the homemade feeders — a plastic bottle full of seeds with a hole and a perch on each side. The finches perch, reach in […]

Chickadee Irruption in Central Florida!
Here in Central Florida we’ve grown accustomed to having an easy time identifying chickadees. If you see one, it’s a Carolina Chickadee. But this is no longer the case, as there has been a massive irruption of northern and western species of chickadees into Central Florida. The irruption was first noticed when the above photographed […]