I know everyone is busy with holiday preparation, so just a few words about some bees I saw in June. I’ve seen this bee before — it’s Bombusfervidus, commonly called the golden northern bumble bee. But it has always managed to fly away before I could take a photograph. I snuck up on this one […]
Tag: bumble bee

The Sunflower Bed & Breakfast
The nights are becoming chilly here in Brighton, Michigan, USA, but that doesn’t keep the insects from their foraging. After spending the warm days gathering pollen and drinking nectar they decide to spend the night on their dinner plate. I found three earwigs and a bumble bee on a mature sunflower atop an 8-foot tall […]

A Nice Surprise
It’s been a while since I last walked through Red House Farm, last night I walked the dog through the area and was pleased to find it carpeted in wild flowers. One in particular caught my attention. The Bee OrchidOphrys apifera. This was the first time I’ve seen this species, making it even more special […]