Painted Lady Butterflies Travel 2,600 Miles Across the Atlantic

Painted Lady Butterflies Travel 2,600 Miles Across the Atlantic

Painted lady butterflies, scientifically known as Vanessa cardui, are known for their impressive migratory feats. These insects are found on every continent except Australia and Antarctica. A recent study published in June by Nature Communications has unveiled astonishing details about their migration patterns, revealing that these butterflies travel thousands of miles across oceans. According to […]

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Scores of Endangered Butterflies Slated to Be Released Along California Coast Using .5 Million Private Grant

Scores of Endangered Butterflies Slated to Be Released Along California Coast Using $1.5 Million Private Grant

In California, a joint effort will oversee a multi-stage, four-year plan to help Behren’s silverspot butterfly return in numbers to the coastline of Northern California. Vitalized by a $1.5 million grant from the State of CA Wildlife Conservation Board, the Mendocino Land Trust (MLT) is planning to plant 35,000 early blue violets, the only plant […]

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Butterfly Garden Planning Tools: Apps to Help You Design Your Dream Butterfly Haven

Butterfly Garden Planning Tools: Apps to Help You Design Your Dream Butterfly Haven

Planting a garden offers numerous benefits, such as creating a habitat for butterflies and other beneficial insects. A well-maintained butterfly garden provides nourishment, water, and shelter for native butterflies while offering a serene space filled with beautiful fluttering friends. Additionally, it helps support the local climate and its inhabitants. This guide provides all the necessary […]

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Mountain Marsh Runners aka Broad-billed Sandpipers have started passing through South East Norway the last couple of days. There are only a handful of sites with annual records of this scarce species and one of them is Årnestangen. So, I set off on the long walk with high hopes this morning. My hopes gradually became […]

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