It was a cold week in New York. As I sat writing at my desk by the window I saw the neighborhood birds in another light. One of the ways birds keep warm is by fluffing up their insulating feathers; they looked like puffballs all week. They have other ways to keep warm. Their feet […]
Tag: Cardinalis cardinalis

A Winter’s Morning At Zoar Wetland, Ohio
The past few nights here in the southern portion of Northeast Ohio have been in the teens, so I’ve been thinking about the “odd couple” at Zoar Wetland. This past autumn, a goose and brown duck (no one seems to know the proper name, although it does resemble a Mallard), took up residence at the […]

Sunday Breakfast
I scatter seeds on my porch for the birds when the weather gets cold. This morning I had lots of visitors. Click on the photos to enlarge. House sparrows, Passerdomesticus, are always the first to arrive. They like seeds and breadcrumbs. They usually come in a group. The cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis, eats seeds, nuts, and […]

Un momento inolvidable con el Cardenal común
Estando con Willy sentado a la sombra en la estancia Ñu Porá esperando que se sirva el almuerzo pudimos disfrutar de este momento espectacular frente nuestro a escasos metros de distancia; Dos cardenales (Padre e hijo) se acercaron a comer las sobras que dejaron los patos y las gallinas. El pichón ya estaba bastante crecidito […]

A Pomegranate for the Cardinals
Sometimes I buy a pomegranate, put it on a shelf, and never get around to eating it. You have to be in the mood to get red juice on your hands… Cardinals are happy to help with that. I cut a dried-up looking pomegranate into bits yesterday — it was still juicy inside — and […]

Best Photo of the Week Ended 15 Sep 2012
We are pleased to announce the winners of our most recent “Best Photo of the Week” Competition. Rick Lieder wins First Prize for his artistic creation “A Cardinal Leaps”. Fabiola Forns wins Second Prize with “Atlantic Puffin” and Adam Riley wins Third Prize with “The Leeudril Leopard”. See images below with links to the original […]

Stealing Red
Time freezes, a cardinal leaps, a splash of red stolen from the sun – Northern Cardinal | Cardinalis cardinalis

Hallucinations & Memories
She bends others to her will with a splash of red, leaving hallucinations and memories of the wind’s wild side. • Northern Cardinal | Cardinalis cardinalis