The crocodile known as Burt, who gained fame for his role in the 1986 film “Crocodile Dundee,” has passed away. Burt lived at Crocosaurus Cove, a wildlife attraction in Darwin, Australia, where staff recently shared the news of his death. He was believed to be over 90 years old. Burt became famous for his on-screen […]
Tag: crocodiles
Videos of people feeding crocodiles at site of latest attack are deeply concerning, says expert
After a 4.9-meter saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) killed a 40-year-old doctor in Far North Queensland this week, the illegal feeding of wild crocodiles has become a point of major concern. The victim was not feeding crocodiles; he was reportedly just walking along a path when the river bank gave way, and he fell into the […]