Appetite for frogs’ legs in France and Belgium ‘driving species to extinction’

Appetite for frogs’ legs in France and Belgium ‘driving species to extinction’

A voracious appetite for frogs’ legs among the French and Belgians is driving species in Indonesia, Turkey and Albania to the brink of extinction, according to a report. Europe imports as many as 200 million mostly wild frogs every year, contributing to a serious depletion of native species abroad. Scientists estimate that the Anatolian water […]

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Frogs are the “canary in the coalmine,” suffering first when the environment is toxic

Frogs are the “canary in the coalmine,” suffering first when the environment is toxic

As humans encroach on frogs’ territory, tadpoling has become extinct in many suburban waterways. There is, however, a technique to entice them back: frog motels. Frogs, according to Australian Museum herpetologist Dr Jodi Rowley, are the “canary in the coalmine,” suffering first when the environment is toxic. “Most frog species – not all, but most […]

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80 Critically Endangered Australian Frogs Released to the Wild After Surviving Disease and Bushfire Crises

80 Critically Endangered Australian Frogs Released to the Wild After Surviving Disease and Bushfire Crises

The spotted tree frog was already recovering from local extinction when the “Black Summer” wildfires of 2019 to 2020 raged through New South Wales (NSW) in Australia. Of 250 to 300 frogs once released into the wild, only about 10 survived. But now, the critically endangered species is receiving yet another lease on life. The […]

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