Raptors illegally shot and killed as they rest in barns and roosts, Utah officials say

Raptors illegally shot and killed as they rest in barns and roosts, Utah officials say

Several species of raptors, including hawks and owls, were illegally shot and killed in southern Utah over the last few months, wildlife officials said. Eleven birds were found shot and killed between December and February, the Utah Department of Natural Resources said in an emailed news release on Feb. 27. Natural Resource officers determined all […]

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Runaway Roadrunner Dashes into Motorsports Office, Jumps on Monitor, Stares at Owner, Runs Out, Hundreds of Miles North of Home-Range Breaking UT State Record

Runaway Roadrunner Dashes into Motorsports Office, Jumps on Monitor, Stares at Owner, Runs Out, Hundreds of Miles North of Home-Range Breaking UT State Record

Provo, Utah — On a July night in the summer of 2024, David Kirkham was watching a documentary on YouTube with his family about the greater roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus) — the fastest running feathered creature on Earth that can also fly. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine one of the lil’ blistering birds […]

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High fertiliser use halves numbers of pollinators, world’s longest study finds

High fertiliser use halves numbers of pollinators, world’s longest study finds

Using high levels of common fertilisers on grassland halves pollinator numbers and drastically reduces the number of flowers, research from the world’s longest-running ecological experiment has found. Increasing the amount of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus doused on agricultural grassland reduced flower numbers fivefold and halved the number of pollinating insects, according to the paper by […]

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Endangered Species – Cover Your Ears or Hide from the USDA’s Noise Harassment!

Endangered Species – Cover Your Ears or Hide from the USDA’s Noise Harassment!

As if Endangered Species or any species for that matter could cover their ears, hiding. But after twenty months of “Bangs” and “Booms,” within hearing range of Endangered species, it appears there will be no relief anytime soon! With several Threatened species that have been observed in the area also facing the same assault. Many of […]

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