Clipping a bird’s wings can cause physical and psychological damage to the bird, depriving it of flying, which is what birds are born to do. Migratory birds may have felt this as they were not allowed to land in the San Antonio River this year to eat or drink, or even to land in a […]
Tag: heron

Little Green Yanky Heron
After a few days of not going to see the Green Heron, today I finally joined a few desolate souls who needed it (James, Joe and Will who didn’t need it but joined anyway); we set off from Norwich early, though probably not early enough. The drive there was long (6.5 hours) and we got […]

Checking In On The Heron Rookery
We are very fortunate to have a large heronry or heron rookery as it’s more commonly called. There are dozens of Great Blue Heron nests and often in excess of 100 herons at its peak. The location used to be a secret only known by a few but now all the local birders and photographers […]

Sunderland Point
I recently had a couple of visits to Sunderland Point on the Lune Estuary. This is a remote and beautiful part of Lancashire and requires an amount of planning before any visit. It is a finger of land surrounded on one side by the estuary of the River Lune and on the other by part […]

Snipe and Others
I am posting some images from recent trips to Leighton Moss and into Bowland. My main objective was to photograph purple heron and red grouse. My efforts were shown in earlier postings. At Leighton Moss whilst waiting for the heron to show a trip down to the Eric Morecambe hide was good for snipe. Four […]

Western Swamp Hen in the Bank
So having dipped the Western Swamphen the day it left Minsmere I’ve been watching it during it’s stay at Alkborough Flats in Lincolnshire. As I’ve stated before I have this soft self imposed two hour twitch rule and with Swampy now 200 miles from home I’d need to break that rule if I wanted to […]

Great Blue Heron with Crayfish
This morning I saw a Great Blue Heron by the shore of the pond at Audubon Park. I thought it was in pretty good light for a photo, so I decided to take a photo. As I knelt down the heron struck the water and came up with a crayfish. He didn’t take long to […]

Black-necked Stilt Walking
On Blackpoint Wildlife Drive, at the same pool where we had seen the Tricolored Herons, Reddish Egrets, Roseate Spoonbills and Willets in my previous posts, we also found several Black-necked Stilts. Several walked pretty close by while we were parked. These birds can be a little bit of a challenge to photograph–the problem is they […]