Iwas crouched on the ground, 50 feet from an aurochs. At least it looked like one. Eight generations of back-breeding had resurrected an animal reminiscent of the giant bovine that crashed from Earth’s biota in 1627. The coal-black beast had the forward-facing horns of the long-extinct aurochs. It had the same muscular shoulders and neck. […]
Tag: Horseshoe Crab

New Bill Aims to Protect Horseshoe Crabs
Horseshoe crabs, a species that predates the dinosaurs, play an essential role in ecosystems. Today, these ancient marine creatures face the threat of local extinction due to habitat loss and overharvesting for bait and biomedical uses. Efforts to protect their future have led to the proposed Horseshoe Crab Protection Bill in New York. If enacted, […]