

This little cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) has been dealt a raw deal. Had he been born a hundred years ago his chances for survival would have been much better. The worldwide cheetah population has declined by nearly 85% in that short time span. Do you want to help this little guy to survive? If so, there […]

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Place of Elephants…

Place of Elephants…

African Elephant (Loxodonta africana) dusting at Madison Pan, Hwange National Park. Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. With Journeys Unforgettable Photographic Safaris Littile Makololo Camp. Nikon D4. Nikon 28-300 mm. ISO 800 f6.7 @ 1/3000 sec. Lexar Media. © Dana Allen

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First Drink…

First Drink…

A one hour old African Elephant calf discovers the life-giving nourishment of water for the first time in his very short life – Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. Nikon D3s. Nikon 200-400 mm. ISO 800. f4 @ 1/500 sec. Lexar Media. © Dana With Little Makololo Camp

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